User APIs


Returns information for a user. This should also be invoked for anonymous users (users not registered with a Filemail account) since it always returns information about maximum transfersize etc. for these users.


  • logintoken - Text - The logintoken of the authenticated user. If the user is anonymous (i.e. not a registered Filemail user) then skip this parameter. Optional.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/user/get?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad

Example Response

  "user": {
    "maxdownloads": 9999,
    "maxdays": 90,
    "maxtransfersize": 107374182400,
    "membershipname": "Company",
    "defaultnotify": false,
    "defaultdays": 0,
    "defaultconfirmation": false,
    "defaultdownloads": 0,
    "name": "Fred Flintstone",
    "email": "",
    "country": "US",
    "newsletter": true,
    "created": 1346971029280,
    "companyname": "Degree Consulting Group",
    "companyid": "LOAHSDFOAJKSH",
    "companyadmin": false,
    "forcepasswordonincoming": false
  "responsestatus": "OK"


Updates information for a user. See also /api/company/user/update


  • logintoken - Text - The logintoken of the authenticated user. Required.

  • name - Text - Name of user. Optional.

  • email - Text - Email address. Optional.

  • password - Text - The password for the user. Optional.

  • country - Text - 2 character country code. E.g. "CA" for Canada. Optional.

  • city - Text - City name. Optional.

  • zip - Text - Zip code. Optional.

  • address - Text - Address line. Optional.

  • newsletter - True/False - subscription to newsletters from Filemail. Optional.

  • defaultnotify - True/False - default option for email notification when recipient downloads file(s). Optional.

  • defaultconfirmation - True/False - default option for email confirmation when sending files. Optional.

  • defaultdownloads - Number - default option for how many times a transfer can be downloaded. Optional.

  • defaultdays - Number - default option for how many days a transfer can be downloaded. Optional.

  • defaultsubject - Text - default subject. Optional.

  • signature - Text - The signature for the user used in the message field. Optional.

  • mobilephone - Text - The mobile phone of the user (used for sending out SMS notifications). Optional.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/user/update?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &name=Fred%20Flintstone&
&defaultnotify=true&defaultconfirmation=true&defaultdownloads=100&defaultdays=20&defaultsubject=Hi &signature=Bye&forcepassword=false

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "ok"